Tadao Kiyonari
Special Adviser,The Japan Academic Society
for Ventures and Entrepreneurs(JASVE)
More and more people in the Japanese business community see roadblocks ahead on the pathway to the future. Many lose confidence when their successes are followed by failure. The situation in the manufacturing sector is not entirely bleak, yet many of our existing industries are mature, and performance gaps are widening between companies in every sector. Businesses are starting to fall by the wayside.
The only way to break out of this stagnation is through the creation of new industries. The economic recovery achieved by the United States in the 1990s was attributable, in large measure, to the emergence of new industries based on innovation by numerous venture companies. For evidence of this one has only to consider the achievements of high-growth venture firms such as Microsoft, Compaq, Silicon Graphics, Sun Microsystems, Cisco Systems, Oracle and Dell Computer.
Many in Japan assume that new industries will germinate naturally if we can just ease government regulation. In fact, deregulation merely creates business opportunity, but this does not lead automatically to the creation of new industries. For that we need entrepreneurship. Deregulation is simply one of the prerequisites for the process-it is not the only necessary condition.
We need to foster entrepreneurship in Japan by creating an entrepreneurial culture, and once an entrepreneurial culture is in place, the number of entrepreneurs will expand of its own volition.
Respect for individuality and tolerance of difference are among the general conditions required to foster an entrepreneurial culture. Encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit is also very important, but encouragement alone is not enough to guarantee success. The advancement of entrepreneurship will inevitably be accompanied by a high incidence of failure. Accordingly, we need to develop a culture that is tolerant of failure. To be more precise, we must give a second chance to those who have learned from failure. That does not mean, however, that we should simply accept failure.
There are number of critical points in the business development process. The challenge for the entrepreneur is to find ways to survive at each of these critical points, and this is an essential area for research. In addition to a positive list of conditions for success, it isalso useful to offer entrepreneurs a negative list -a”don’t do list”-setting out ways in which to avoid failure. Without both such lists, survival through the critical points is not easy.
In an era that places a premium on intellectually creative activity, cooperation between industry, academia and government will be more important than ever for the creation of new industries. It will be important, too, to study the actual cooperative processes that link industry, academia and government. By identifying programs in industry-academia-government cooperation, it should be possible to invigorate the cooperative process.
The research priorities for this JASVE are many and varied, and a multi-disciplinary approach is essential. Also, we will need to manage our activities differently from those of other research associations. Factors that will contribute to the expansion of our research activities include the formation of study groups and the development of study group initiatives in response to the autonomous discovery of new research themes and networking among various subgroups. We are confident that members will benefit considerably from active participation.
Dr. Michi Fukushima
President The Japan Academic Society for Ventures and Entrepreneurs
Professor, The Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University
Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in the activities of the Japan Academic Society of Ventures and Entrepreneurs (JASVE). I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed as the seventh president of the JASVE. While I am far from perfect in this role, I will dedicate my effort to the development of the association.
Today, the environment around us is in turmoil. Our society is facing a number of challenges that make the traditional approach unworkable, including serious environmental problems, increasing disasters, destabilization of international politics, a declining birthrate and aging population, a shrinking labor force, exhaustion of local economies, a weak yen and inflation, and so on.
Under these circumstances, it is no exaggeration to say that the expectations for venture companies and entrepreneurs, the target of JASVE, have reached unprecedented levels. In 2022, former Prime Minister Kishida announced the “Startup Development Five-Year Plan ” and now both the public and private sectors are working together to support this initiative. Today, society’s perception of startups and entrepreneurs is undergoing a dramatic shift. Japan stands at a transitional and critical juncture, and the demand for research in this field is growing.
At the same time, JASVE is also focusing on the transformation of existing organizations, the creation of new businesses, and the activities of the entrepreneurs who drive these activities. Japan is home to many long-lived companies, even by global standards, and we believe that these companies have much to contribute to the world in terms of new business creation and business succession.
JASVE’s mission is to contribute to society through research on entrepreneurial activities in all fields and by applying their findings in practice. Dr. Tadao Kiyonari, the first president of the society, stated in his founding statement, “What is needed in Japan today to create new industries is to accelerate the formation of an entrepreneurial climate and to foster an entrepreneurial culture”. We hope to carry on that spirit. To this end, we aim for JASVE to be a platform where people from diverse backgrounds can come together, generate new idea and knowledge, and put these insight into practice.
●Special Adviser
Tadao Kiyonari (The Graduate School of Project Design /Adviser)
Tsutomu Shida (SHiDAX Corporation/Supreme Advisor)
Koji Hirao (Institute for Social Science,Senshu University/Research Participation、Kawasaki International Association/President)
Shuichi Matsuda (Waseda University/Professor Emeritus)
Michi Fukushima (Tohoku University/Professor)
●Vice president
Hiromu Ikeda (Japan New Business Conference Associations/Chairman)
Tomoyo Kazumi (Senshu University/Professor)
Haruomi Shindo (Chuo University/Professor)
Hirokazu Hasegawa (Graduate School of Business and Finance,Waseda University/Professor)
Jin-ichiro Yamada (Kyoto University/Professor)
Keiko Yokoyama (Kansai University/Professor)
Futoshi Akiba (Ryukoku Universsity/Associate Professor)
Shingo Igarashi (Kyusyu Universsity/Associate Professor)
Yukihiro Ikawa (The Tokyo New Business Conference/Chairman)
Ryuji Ichikawa (Venture Enterprise Center,Japan/President)
Yoshio Ichiryu (Ichiryu Associates, Inc. /President & CEO)
Shuichi Okuhara (Nippon Venture Capital Co.,Ltd./Chairman)
Yoko Kagami (Komazawa University/President、Professor)
Kazuyori Kanai (Osaka Metropolitan University/Professors、Osaka University/Professor Emeritus)
Atsumi Kanaya (Mitsui Fudosan Co.,Ltd.,Open Innovation Department/Managing Officer General Manager)
Tatsuya Kuroda (Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies/Vice President、Professor)
Tatsuhiko Sato (Deloitte Tohmatsu IP Firm/Patent attorney・Executive Chairman)
Hideki Shoji (TOYO SYSTEM Co., LTD. /Chairman of the Board, President & CEO)
Sadahiro Sugita (Tokyo Institute of Technology/Project Professor)
Tomohiro Suzuki (KPMG AZSA LLC/Director)
Sachio Semmoto (Assurant Japan/Chairman)
Masayoshi Zempo (Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC/Growing Enterprise Support , Partner)
Noriyuki Takahashi (Musashi University/President)
Tadashi Takiguchi (WERU Investment Co., Ltd./President & CEO)
Yutaka Takeda (Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC/Partner)
Noriko Taji (Hosei University/Professor)
Katsunori Tanaka (MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO., LTD./Business Development, Consulting & Solutions Department/General Manager)
Hajime Tanahashi (Mori Hamada & Matsumoto/Partner)
Akio Nishizawa (Tohoku University/Senior Research Fellow at NICHE and Professor Emeritus、Toyo University/Professor Emeritus )
Katsuya Hasegawa (The University of Tokyo/Project Professor)
Nobuyuki Hata (Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies/Project Professor)
Hironori Higashide (Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University/Professor)
Mitsuko Hirata (Tokai University/Dean、Professor)
Shinichi Fuki (JAFCO Group Co., Ltd./Chairman)
Emi Makino (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University/Associate Professor)
Toshihiro Masaki (Osaka University/Professor, Director of University Advancement Division)
Eiichi Yamaguchi (ORBIO CORPORATION/CEO、Ritsumeikan University/Professor)
Kozo Yamada (Otsuma Women’s University/Professor、Sophia University/Professor Emeritus)
Shuji Yumitori (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)/Exective Director)
Iwao Yoshino (Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd./Co-Founder, CEO)
Naoki Wakabayashi (Kyoto University/Professor)
Mariko Tamura (The Japan Academic Society for Ventures and Entrepreneurs/Secretary-General)
Taiji Edogawa (Certified Public Accountant)
Shigeru Nishiyama (Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University/Professor)